In Gratitude


In Gratitude
To these Fellow Fans

This site wouldn't exist without the kind support of fellow fans. Although it's impossible to thank everyone individually, there are some fans who have gone out of their way to help me with information, images and much more for this site. Many of them I consider good friends. In gratitude to them and to acknowledge their assistance, I would like to give them a mention here. I should also add that there are some who wish to remain anonymous. So to those of you on this page, those of you who wish to remain anonymous, and the many others who have helped make this site a success, thank you.

* Bob Coulter - As his email address (not listed here) implies, he has an ELO doctorate. Bob has a much better ear than I and can easily spot all the minute variations that have eluded me for years. I've often relied on Bob to look over any new page I've constructed and point out two dozen ommissions and erorrs. Great stuff!

* Bert Gangl - He's done a ton of research on ELO's tour schedule and actual recording dates (not just broadcast dates) of TV appearances. It's thanks to his hard work that the schedules are as complete as they are. Thanks Bert!

* Nicolas Guibert - Webmaster for the ELO Discovery site, Nicolas is always fast to find exciting new ELO material. We're a world apart, but we've become good friends through our love of all things Jeff Lynne. Visit his site HERE. It's highly recommended.

* Patrik Guttenbacher - A German fan and editor for the Face The Music Germany fanclub, Patrik's help has been invaluable. It was his book, Unexpected Messages, that started me on the journey of even starting this site. Patrik's support and encouragement are very much appreciated. If you don't have it yet, I highly recommend his book, which can be purchased HERE.

* Yoshinori Ochi - He is one of my dearest and longest lasting ELO friends. We were regularly communicating way back before the age of the Internet and had to write each other via snail mail and faxes! He has a truly amazing ELO collection and has been kind enough to share information about it many times. Thank you my friend!

* Jerry Palovick - Webmaster of the Unofficial Jeff Lynne Reference Page (before AOL's implosion) and now the Jeff Lynne and Related Blog, Jerry has been a great resource and friend. We've gotten together many times to listen to and swap rarities and I owe a lot to him. Visit his site HERE.

I should also mention my thanks to Rob Caiger and Lynn Hoskins of the Face The Music fanclub who, while not really endorsing this site, have offered up the occasional tidbit on the Showdown mailing list and generally don't mind me putting it here (as long as I give credit!). And, of course, thanks to Jeff Lynne, without whom this site would be about someone else entirely!

If I've not mentioned your name here, it's probably just an oversight. I am humbly grateful to all of you who have helped me to put this site together.

Robert Porter
September 2024